Thursday 29 September 2011

Working in Partnership to Keep Young Drivers Safe

I was delighted to have been asked to attend the launch of a Young Passengers and Drivers Awareness initiative (YPAD), yesterday afternoon in Banbridge.

This initiative was developed with a number of agencies and partners, including the Police Service of Northern Ireland. Over the next six months over 1,000 young people, in years 12 to 14, will attend a seminar aimed at keeping them safer on our roads, as either drivers or passengers.

The session includes a locally produced film developed specifically for this initiative. The film which features local young people and members of the various agencies and partners shows the consequences of being distracted by text messaging whilst driving. Many of those who took part in the film were present at its launch.

One of most striking examples used yesterday, was that research has shown that taking your eyes of the road to look at a text message whilst driving at 55mph, is the equivalent of travelling the length of a football pitch with your eyes closed. And there were a number of driving simulators at the launch to 'drive'this home to the young people.

It is of course not just young people that are distracted by mobile phones and other devices in cars - the dangers apply equally to us all.

Sadly far too many people die on our roads across Northern Ireland each year. The downward trend is welcome but on average, every single week a person dies on our roads and the consequences of this for families, friends and communities stay with them for the rest of their lives.

Many collisions could be avoided if people slowed down, did not drink and drive and concentrate on the road and not the other potential distractions around them. This morning yet another family is having to come to terms withthe loss of someone dear to them.

I appeal to everyone, whether a young person just starting out on their driving experience, or as someone who has been driving for many years, to think carefully about their personal responsibility to drive safely.

By working together we will continue to reduce death and serious injury on our roads.

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